Wednesday, August 11, 2010

230503 review @

Very interesting debut album from these aussies. They sure know how to mix 70´s style prog music with modern sounds resulting a very strong record.

But I must confess I wasn´t taken by 230503 at first. Their tendency for the prog metal side caught me by surprise since this band was labeled as neo prog. Sure, they do have an afinity with the classic bands (Pink Floyd being the most obvious one), they like to use vintage sounding keyboards together with heavy guitars that sometimes tend for the alternative, but not too much. After some time you get used to it and you can really enjoy this CD a lot.

230503 is a concept album and - like all of them - it has some ups and downs, because the music has to follow the storyline. But fortunatly there are much more ups than down moments. Some parts are very emotional and the guitars soar (yes, the ones that sound like Gilmour!). Robert James Moulding´s voice is not one of the best, but he delivers the goods with such passion and sincerity you have to be made of stone not to be moved by his singing. The same can be said of the instrumental side of the CD. The production is excellent, with all the instruments very well balanced all through the record.

Conclusion: this is surely a band to watch. The music is energetic and full of conviction. A very good start. I´m looking forward to hear their next works. Rating: four strong stars. Welcome, guys!

Rating: 4/5

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